Cutting Hair On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is Inauspicious
Hair Cutting On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday is Inauspicious.
Since ages, it is considered bad to go for 'Hair cutting' as well as 'Nail Cutting' on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in India citing all kind of weird and indigestible reasons. A believer of God may give this credit of non cutting to Gods themselves or an old school may just pass the buck by saying "it is the oldies who said so and so we should follow them...and... PERIOD".
Now, here lies some deep questioning, Let us see both the above theories one by one.
Is this the God who actually do not want us to get rid of the unwanted on these particular days? As Tuesday is considered for the Great Monkey God 'The Hanuman' or Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu / Lord Satyanarayan and similarly Saturday is booked for the angriest of all Gods, The Shani (On whose name Saturday is called as SHANIVAAR in Hindi). Without any offenses and prejudice, I am unable to figure out the reason for this order of the God's as why they will want us to be unclean? even if it is required.
Let's understand the second theory now.
It is rightly said by the oldies that their forefathers have mentioned them not to go for such cutting ceremonies on these specific days, I don't question it, as it is certain that they are following what their parents said so, and the parents are following their parents at the upper ladder and this chain is really big, may be some centuries long.
It is rightly said by the oldies that their forefathers have mentioned them not to go for such cutting ceremonies on these specific days, I don't question it, as it is certain that they are following what their parents said so, and the parents are following their parents at the upper ladder and this chain is really big, may be some centuries long.
Well it is out of question, who embarked this great saying. What matters is, is this prohibition some real logical thought or its just a rumor being carried by the present ancients?
For its answer lets move some steps back to some centuries in ancient India, when there were Kings, Nawabs and Maharajas maintaining a huge army with several villages inside or outside their forts. Unlike today when we have Salons and beauty parlours at every corner of the road with any tom, dick and harry wants to be another Jawed Habib. Those days were really different, the task of hair dressing, nail cutting etc was performed by specific people of only a specific clan and castes called NAAI or HAJJAM with their handmade unhygienic stone or metal blades (Interestingly, there were no Mach 3s then).
As it is clear from the facts that undergoing lack of commercial market and inheritance of profession there was, in general, a paucity of the so called Naais and Hajjams. And only few of these guys were available to serve the whole society i.e. the Villagers, the Army men and the Courtiers. In such a scenario, It became inevitable to make a systematic plan so that every one get their fair share of services, where they have to keep in mind that courtiers and Army men were always the priority of these service providers being under direct rule of the Maharajas or the Nawabs. Hence a segregation of days was the best logical step. The days like Sunday (Ravivaar), Monday (Somvaar), Wednesday (budhvaar) and Friday (shukrvaar) were allotted to the common man and than the rest alternate days were provided to the soldiers and the courtiers.
But now, another question arises, how will someone remember these days with ease. Well, it is all but common sense that our ancestors applied then. They just remembered that on days related to Lord Hanuman (Mangalvaar i.e.Tuesday), Lord Vishnu (Guruvaar i.e. Thursday) and Lord Shani (Shanivaar i.e. Saturday) are to be spared and one should not call the barbers on those specific days and let these poor chaps to serve the army, the landlords and the courtiers.
Years went on, technology came along with the multiplying population of the hair dressing stores and almost everything changed except what our ancestors said so, and we being the most obedient sons and daughters of our parents and forefathers we are following what they said once when it was relevant to their ages.
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